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Current Affairs Review
The top 5 takeaways from Bernie Sanders’ big speech
By Hunter Walker   2015-11-24
US Bishops Conference Betrays Catholic Church
By Marianne T. Duddy-Burke   2015-11-21
Why US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter is the Biggest Threat to World Peace
By Brian Cloughley   2015-11-21
Elizabeth Warren Slams Proposed Tax Reforms As 'Giant Wet Kiss' To Corporations
By Shahien Nasiripour   2015-11-20
The Massachusetts senator criticized a plan supported by Obama that she says benefits "tax dodgers."
If I Pray for Paris, Who Will Pray for the Victims of French Colonial Aggression?
By Darius Shahtahmasebi   2015-11-20
We created Islamic extremism: Those blaming Islam for ISIS would have supported Osama bin Laden in the ’80s
By Ben Norton   2015-11-19
Jingoists conveniently forget the West's Cold War strategy was to arm the Islamic extremists that became al-Qaida
Reaping the Whirlwind of Western Support for Extremist Violence
By Chris Floyd   2015-11-15
... one further cause of despair: that although this historical record is there in the open, readily available from the most mainstream sources, it is and will continue to be completely ignored, both by the power-gamers and by the public. The latter will continue to support the former ...creating ever-more fresh hells for us all to live in, and poisoning the lives of our children, and of all those who come after us.
What Foreigners Believe Is Wrong About America
By René Zografos   2015-11-15
Statement of the NPA : The cruelty of imperialist wars results in the cruelty of terrorism
By New Anticapitalist Party   2015-11-15
BOOK REVIEW: China and the 21st Century Crisis
By Immanuel Wallerstein, etc.   2015-11-15
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