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Current Affairs Review
The West’s Lies To Russia Will Lead To War: U.S. Analyst
By Polina Tikhonova   2015-12-01
The promises America’s made to Russia in the post-Cold War era have turned out to be “lies,” which may lead to a war between the two countries, predicts a U.S. political analyst.
A New Arms Race Threatens to Bring the U.S. and Russia Back to the Nuclear Brink
By Joe Cirincione   2015-12-01
7/7 London Bombs “Were Blair’s Bombs”. The War on Syria (Video)
By John Pilger   2015-12-01
Interview with John Pilger
Central African Republic: Pope Urges Religious Reconciliation
By allafrica.com   2015-12-01
From Indonesia, a Muslim Challenge to the Ideology of the Islamic State
By JOE COCHRANE   2015-12-01
This might be the most controversial theory for what’s behind the rise of ISIS
By Jim Tankersley   2015-12-01
Obama’s Job Now: Fight ISIS All-In as Turkey Plays Both Sides
By Patrick Smith   2015-12-01
Climate talks are underway, but saving the world might be harder than we thought
By Jerry Adler   2015-12-01
Turkey’s Stab in the Back
By Justin Raimondo   2015-11-25
Downing of Russian plane by Turkey augurs World War III
A Letter To Prophet Muhammad
By Taymullah Abdur-Rahman   2015-11-24
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