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Current Affairs Review
With A Climate Deal In Place, Now The Real Work Begins
By Seth Borenstein   2015-12-13
Getting the world to cut back on its carbon consumption is far easier said than done.
If Christianity is Dying in America, Why?
By John W. Traphagan   2015-12-13
Coming clean on corruption’s links to pollution
By The Monitor's Editorial Board   2015-12-12
A common link lies in VW’s emissions cheating and the air-quality alerts in China, India, and Indonesia. Arrogant dishonesty can lead to pollution. As VW now admits, leaders must learn to act with humility.
Are We Finally Witnessing The Death Of Christianity In America?
By Zack Hunt   2015-12-11
U.S. Wants War With Russia: Former U.S. Army Officer
By Polina Tikhonova   2015-12-11
Amid hot tensions between the U.S. and Russia, there are indications that Washington is seeking to wage World War 3 against Moscow, according to a former U.S. Army officer.
Why Do They Hate Us? It’s No Mystery
By Sheldon Richman   2015-12-10
Tomgram: Ira Chernus, Six Mistakes on the Road to Permanent War
By Ira Chernus   2015-12-10
America’s Reckless War Against Evil -- Why It’s Self-Defeating and Has No End
The single ugliest myth the rich perpetuate about the poor
By Paul Buchheit, AlterNet   2015-12-10
Wealthy white conservatives want to believe they've earned their fortunes, so they pathologize the lower classes
A Revolving Door Helps Big Banks’ Quiet Campaign to Muscle Out Fannie and Freddie
A behind-the-scenes effort of Wall Street banks to take over the mortgage market is driven by advocates who switch between roles in Washington and the private sector.
By TAYLOR MAYOL   2015-12-06
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