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Current Affairs Review
World turns away from a declining US and toward China
By Tim Montgomerie   2015-11-09
U.S. Is No Longer Among the 10 Most Prosperous Countries
By Karla Bowsher   2015-11-08
Is U.S. Preparing For World War 3?
By Brendan Byrne   2015-11-08
Pope: It's sad to see priests, bishops 'attached to money'
By FRANCES D'EMILIO   2015-11-08
How Hundreds Of Lawmakers Ended Up Voting To Give Banks $17 Billion
By Headshot of Zach Carter Zach   2015-11-08
The Wall Street largesse was tucked into the Highway Bill.
Nominal Christians are becoming more secular, and that’s creating a startling change for the U.S.
By Ed Stetzer   2015-11-06
Rep. Lieu wants to know if Asian American scientists accused of espionage were targeted
By Sarah D. Wire   2015-11-06
The ‘Media Troika’: The Financial Press and Political Warfare
By James Petras   2015-11-06
Western ‘Mainstream’ Extremism: Distortion, Fabrication and Falsification in the Financial Press
The strength in humility
By Liz Butterfield Wallingford   2015-11-05
A Christian Science perspective: A response to the Monitor editorial ‘Will a humbled VW now adopt a leadership model of humility?’
Tomgram: Michael Klare, Are Resource Wars Our Future?
By Michael Klare   2015-11-05
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