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Current Affairs Review
Mapping Out The Revolving Door Between Gov't And Big Business In Venn Diagrams
By Mike Masnick   2015-11-15
from the crony-capitalism-is-corruption dept
USDA Whistleblower Takes the Heat for Speaking Inconvenient Truths About Pesticides and GMOs
By RP Siegel   2015-11-15
China’s corruption crackdown is so vast, top officials from every single province have been nabbed
By Zheping Huang   2015-11-14
Million Student March sweeps across nation’s college campuses
By Blog Million Student March sw   2015-11-14
Pope Urges Catholic Church To Disavow Conservatism And Fundamentalism
By The Guardian   2015-11-13
Pope Francis spoke to Italian bishops about need for institution to be protected from ‘every pretence of power, image and money’ amid financial allegations.
Give Social Security recipients a CEO-style raise
By Elizabeth Warren   2015-11-13
Chinese President Xi Jinping's anticorruption campaign has hit Beijing — and he's not backing down
By Nectar Gan   2015-11-12
New Yahoo survey shows blacks, Hispanics see tech as a more positive force in politics than whites do
By Jon Ward   2015-11-12
No, climate change skepticism isn’t really about doubting science
By Amber Phillips   2015-11-10
Not Your Model Minority: The Reality of the Asian American and Pacific Islander Community
By Dr. Tung Thanh Nguyen   2015-11-10
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