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Current Affairs Review
Presstitutes At Their Work
By Paul Craig Roberts   2015-10-30
US Politics and the China Bogeyman: the Fear of Accommodation
By Adam Bartley   2015-10-29
Tomgram: William Astore, Taking Selfies in Iraq and Afghanistan
By William Astore   2015-10-28
Scientists’ warning: Extinction of big land animals forever alters environment
By Peter Fimrite   2015-10-27
Chinese Factory Producing Apple’s iPhone 6s Exposed Again for Ongoing Labor Abuses
By chinalaborwatch.org   2015-10-27
Bacon and other processed meats can cause cancer, experts say
By GUS TROMPIZ   2015-10-27
Egypt has developed a game-changing low-power water desalination technique
By Kelly Hodgkins   2015-10-26
A New Look at Japan’s Wartime Atrocities and a U.S. Cover-Up
By Didi Kirsten Tatlow   2015-10-25
Killing God
By Rodney Wilson   2015-10-24
Actually, Denmark is becoming more like us
By Tami Luhby   2015-10-24
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