A New Political Economy: A theory of three sources of value & 3-tier joint community ownership (2) |
By Sherwin Lu 2019-10-01
...they always look away from the objectively existing fact, which has been evidenced again and again by history and reality, that the hegemony by capital, with no check or balance from the laborers’ side, has made a small handful of capitalists all the more extravagantly wealthy and all the more arrogantly powerful on an ever-broadening scale and in an ever-deepening degree – from economic to political and cultural spheres and from within one country to the whole globe and further to the outer space, while laborers, which always constitutes a largest part of a country’s and the world’s population, have been getting (comparatively) all the poorer and all the more desperate. This situation of extreme polarization between the rich and the poor is gravely threatening the stability and survival of human civilization... |
A New Political Economy: A theory of three sources of value & 3-tier joint community ownership (1) |
By Sherwin Lu 2019-09-16
A comparatively more nearly complete and new set of viewpoints comprising a “Three-Source Value Theory”: 1. The Nature-endowed potential value hidden in the primary raw materials for production is the primary source of value of all products. 2. The collective wisdom of all humanity accumulated through all generations, as embodied in tools, equipments, skills, and processed materials of production, is the second important source of value of all commodities, especially of modern high-tech ones. 3. Current labor of human individuals, labor in a broader sense, which includes: a. On-the-spot labor of front-line workers; b. Past-labor-turned just capital (for “just capital” see below), such as savings from wage income used as current investment; c. Creative labor of scientists and technologists as embodied in new inventions and innovations (based, first of all, on accumulated collective human wisdom, of course); d. The organizing, operating and risk-taking work of entrepreneurs of business ventures and/or of new product developers; e. The work of managers running a business; f. The work of government workers supervising and servicing society on a macro scale, which is also an indispensable part of social production; g. The work of cultural and educational workers for the personal development of all laborers and all people; h. The supporting work of laborers’ family members for maintaining their working ability and for raising the young and assisting the old as future and past providers of labor. |
Human Society: Multi-Level and Multi-Dimensional Network of Social Groupings |
By Sherwin Lu 2019-09-01
People are associated not only geographically but in many more other ways, such as ethnically (families – clans – nationalities - races), econimically (business units – enterprise groups, professional associations), politically (classes, parties, factions, public/government institutions), religiously (churches - religions, sects), culturally (schools of thought, academic/educational institutions, art organizations, other hobby groups), etc., etc. The relationships among all these groups can be in a variety of different dimensions: they might be either on different levels or on the same level, and then might be parallel, or in opposition to, or overlapping each other, or one containing the other. Recognition of the existence of all such kinds of social groupings and an understanding of their multi-dimensionality and especially of their structural multi-level features are of essential importance to the overcoming of the atomistic or monolithic way of thinking. |
Yin vs. Yang Approach;Balance-Seeking and Non-Self-Assertiveness(“无为”) |
By Sherwin Lu 2019-08-01
To “construct”, and to do “balance-seeking”, in order to create conditions for non-self-assertive government, the constructor/initiator must be the first to free himself from personal desires. To “be free from excessive desires” so as to guarantee “non-self-assertiveness” is the very essence of the Yin approach, which only will be able to ultimately wipe out all social evils... |
Five-Way Correlation (五行): Basic Paradigm for Yin-Yang Balance |
By Sherwin Lu 2019-07-16
Mainstream Western thought reduces the world to an immense mass of mechanically heaped-up “basic particles”, such as molecules or atoms. Hence the terms “atomism” or “reductionism”. A typical atomist, unable to apprehend Chinese ideas and ways of conveying such ideas, generally misunderstand the five characters representing the five-way schema as five basic elements. |
A Critique of Rationalism in Modern World Ideologies (I): Ultimate Rationality |
By Sherwin Lu 2019-07-01
“Instrumental rationality, science, and knowledge based on mind-matter binary opposition are indispensable, but should not be blindly believed in nor indulged but be regulated and adjusted by ultimate rationality, i.e., supreme wisdom matching the ultimate mind/matter-as-one reality of all existence, if humanity want to avoid Heavenly punishment. The Way of Heaven, or Dao, can never be defeated, believe it or not.” |
A Critique of Rationalism in Modern World Ideologies(II): Ultimate Faith (1-3) |
By Sherwin Lu 2019-06-16
What is ultimate faith? It is belief in the ultimate reality of all existence viewed as a transcendental whole and confidence in it as the ultimate support for spiritual sustenance. It can appear either as worship of some deity or deities in religion or as conviction in and adherence to some abstract notion about supreme being or ultimate truth such as secular Daoism and Buddhism. In other words, ultimate faith is not exactly the same as religious faith, for it can be either religious or non-religious. |