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Renewed Theory Quest
Return to Eastern Philosophy & Transcend Mind-Matter Divide -- The mind/matter issue in Eastern philosophical perspective(4)
By Sherwin Lu   2012-03-26
Establish a Historicist System of Principles for Assessing the Value of a Civilization
By Haohui Sun (孙皓晖)   2012-03-26
Why Not Western Democracy
By Shan Ze (山泽)   2012-03-26
-- On capitalist democracy (3) -- Essentially, there has been no democracy in the Western world that serves the interests of the lower classes... as in actuality their real masters have been a certain core financial oligarchic family together with a few dependent agent families and those elites in various social circles serving their interests.
Return to Eastern Philosophy: Negation of philosophical realism (实在论) -- The mind/matter issue in Eastern philosophical perspective (3)
By Sherwin Lu   2012-02-04
Philosophical realism has extended from ontology and epistemology to various fields in natural and social sciences: philosophical categories, theory of knowledge, methodology, theoretical physics, social ethics, political economy, medical science and self-health management.
Functioning Pattern of Capital’s Centralized Ruling Power -- On capitalist democracy (2)
By Shan Ze (山泽)   2012-01-10
The financial capital in a capitalist society, through their ownership structure, controls the monopolistic businesses of all industries and then, through the influence of these businesses, exerts its power over the whole society, with such swiftness and forcefulness as unsurpassed by government orders.
How Capitalist Democracy Came About in History -- On capitalist democracy (1)
By Shan Ze (山泽)   2011-10-10
Capitalist democracy essentially means allowing capitalists to manipulate the government. China and some other major civilizations have adopted the “power centralized in government” model that does not allow merchants to interfere in its affairs because merchants, or capitalists, can share equally with all other people the same political rights.
The Mind/Matter Issue in Eastern Philosophical Perspective (0): Introduction
By Sherwin Lu   2011-08-09
-- Major Idea, Table of Contents & Head Poem
Centralism Yes, Autocracy No
By Qiyuan Lu (卢麒元)   2011-07-10
Centralism and autocracy are two different concepts: Centralism refers to an administrative system in which the decision making authority is invested in a central organization while autocracy means a political system governed by a single individual. Centralism is not necessarily autocratic; and autocracy is not necessarily centralized. The two are not invariably correlated.
Not Only Confucianism, But All Major Traditional Chinese Schools of Thought: Each Has its Worth
By Baocai Liu 刘宝才   2011-04-10
All traditional Chinese schools of thought are still relevant not only to today’s China but to the whole world as well. Therefore, it is necessary to study each of the schools, to develop the valuable and discard the valueless in each of them. This is the impartial approach that should be adopted. To single out Confucianism as representing traditional Chinese learning, as is the mainstream of today, is not the right approach.
Four Tiers of Human Thinking Patterns
By Yuzhong Zhai   2011-03-14
Since the beginning of human existence, there have been four tiers of thinking patterns: primitive thinking, dualistic thinking, Yin-Yang dialectic thinking, and direct perception of the Supreme Way, which is the highest wisdom...
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