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Current Affairs Review
How did Christopher Columbus become so controversial?
By Cathaleen Chen   2015-10-12
A century ago, Christopher Columbus was considered the most glorious explorer in American history. Today, major cities are voting to eliminate the national holiday in his name. What happened?
Myth: The Bible is the Word of God
By Christian Chiakulas   2015-10-12
How the Koch brothers and the super-rich are buying their way out of criticism
By Robert Reich   2015-10-12
It’s bad enough big money is buying off politicians. It’s also buying off nonprofits that used to be sources of investigation, information, and social change, from criticizing big money.
10 US cities ask: Columbus Day or Indigenous Peoples Day?
By Molly Jackson   2015-10-12
Columbus Day backlash: A controversial movement to celebrate Native American history, rather than Columbus' landing, has taken hold in eight more cities after years of advocacy.
Hundreds of thousands protest in Berlin against EU-U.S. trade deal
By Reuters   2015-10-10
Rest in Power, Grace Lee Boggs
By americanrevolutionaryfilm.com   2015-10-10
TPP: Big Pharma’s Big Deal
By Joyce Nelson   2015-10-10
A secret Chinese operation during the Mao era conquered one of the world's most dangerous diseases
By Jia-Chen Fu   2015-10-09
A Snarky Priest Looks at the Pope's Visit
By V.R. Marianne Zahn   2015-10-08
There's A Revolution Going On In Religion. Faith Groups Better Listen Up.
By Headshot of Antonia Blumberg   2015-10-08
Meet the "nones," those who are re-imagining faith like never before.
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