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Current Affairs Review
AP Poll: Ecology, religion a natural mix for some Americans
My Emancipation From American Christianity
By John Pavlovitz   2015-12-06
NY Times, in rare front-page editorial, urges gun control
By AFP   2015-12-05
World’s Largest Islamic Organization Tells ISIS To Get Lost
By The Huffington Post   2015-12-05
A 50-million strong Sunni movement in Indonesia just launched a global anti-extremism campaign.
5 Myths About Chinese Investment in Africa
By Deborah Brautigam   2015-12-05
Failure of Paris climate summit would be 'catastrophic': pope
By Jean-Louis de la Vaissiere etc   2015-12-05
Changing Climate, Changing Diets: Pathways to Lower Meat Consumption
By chathamhouse.org   2015-12-04
Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, An Invitation to Collective Suicide
By Andrew Bacevich   2015-12-04
Pope says fundamentalism is 'disease of all religions'
By AFP   2015-12-02
The US-Russia Proxy War in Syria
By Ray McGovern   2015-12-02
The risk of Syria becoming a proxy war between the U.S. and Russia became real last week when Turkey and Syrian jihadists used U.S.-supplied weaponry to shoot down a Russian warplane and rescue helicopter, killing two Russians, a danger that ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern explores.
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