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Current Affairs Review
Why these Americans are 'done' with church, but not with God
By Harry Bruinius   2015-12-19
An estimated 30 million Americans are former churchgoers who nevertheless keep faith in God. Here are some of their stories.
America Is Holding Itself Hostage to Terrorism
By Charles Kurzman   2015-12-19
Why Beijing’s South China Sea Moves Make Sense Now
By Greg Austin   2015-12-18
10 Global Warming Facts That Prove We're Completely Destroying the Planet
By Kathleen Wong   2015-12-17
The problem at the heart of Saudi Arabia's Muslim anti-ISIS coalition
By Max Fisher   2015-12-17
COP21: Any agreement is better than no agreement?
By Nick Fillmore   2015-12-17
Four Reasons for Decline of Religion
By Steven Reiss   2015-12-16
Winners and Losers in Our New Media Moment
By Tom Engelhardt   2015-12-16
Donald Trump, Mass Shootings With an Islamic Terrorist Flavor, and the Rise of the "Spectaculection"
NASA scientist calls Paris COP21 climate talk agreement a fraud
By Aliya Barnwell   2015-12-15
Chip’s Q&A In The South China Morning Post: “How The US And The West Contributed To China’s Addiction To Dirty Development”
By Chip Jacobs   2015-12-14
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