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Current Affairs Review
Robert Reich: The New Truth About Free Trade
By Robert Reich   2016-03-17
Global deals like the TPP will boost the profits of Wall Street and big corporations and make the richest one percent even richer. But they’ll contribute to the steady shrinkage of the American middle class.
Tomgram: Bob Dreyfuss, Will The Donald Rally the Militias and the Right-to-Carry Movement?
By Bob Dreyfuss   2016-03-16
Trump’s Storm Troopers and the Possibility of American Fascism
Fukushima: A Nuclear War without a War: The Unspoken Crisis of Worldwide Nuclear Radiation
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky   2016-03-16
What are the real reasons that no Wall Street executives have been prosecuted for fraud as a result of the 2008 financial crisis?
By Elizabeth Warren   2016-03-16
Walesa, Gorbachev and Freedom's End
By Ivan Krastev   2016-03-16
Bank of America paid Clintons speaking fees, too – more than $1M worth
By Deon Roberts   2016-03-15
Bernie Sanders Said Something We Weren't Ready to Hear Last Night
By [Esquire] Charles P. Pierce   2016-03-14
The United States of Monsanto?
By Wenonah Hauter   2016-03-13
Industry’s attempt to block GMO labeling laws is yet another symptom of a democracy hijacked by corporate interests.
Millions Of Voters Are Sending A Message: Our Economic Framework Is Rotten
By Marilyn Geewax   2016-03-13
With note from The New Legalist editor: " ... [W]ages have stagnated" because capitalist-hegemonist globalization, that is, globalization of capital supported by imperialist military power without globalization of labor, that is, free outsourcing of exploitative capital from imperialist countries without free outsourcing of labor from most-expolited countries' (i.e., free immigration), enables global monopoly capital to freely exploit labor both domestically and globally ...
The robots Japan enlisted to clean up Fukushima have been destroyed from radiation exposure
By Lulu Chang   2016-03-13
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