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Current Affairs Review
How Bernie Sanders would remake the whole U.S. economy
By Rick Newman   2016-02-14
Watch Corporate America Turn A Room Full Of Workers Into Bernie Sanders And Donald Trump Supporters (Videos)
By Zach Carter   2016-02-14
Establishment politicians still don't understand.
While Donald Trump Was Talking, the Supreme Court Was Putting Our World at Risk
By Charles P. Pierce   2016-02-14
It'd be god's own irony if the planet died because there was an excess of democracy.
Surprise! Bernie Sanders has backers on Wall Street
By Eamon Javers   2016-02-13
Two-Thirds of the World Faces Severe Water Shortages
By NICHOLAS ST. FLEUR   2016-02-13
Air pollution takes a deadly toll
By Brian Mastroianni   2016-02-13
The differences between the Catholic and Orthodox churches
By The Economist   2016-02-13
Liberal intolerance is on the rise on America’s college campuses
By Catherine Rampell   2016-02-13
Behind Hillary Clinton’s growing ‘woman problem’
By Jonah Goldberg   2016-02-12
Congresswoman Barbara Lee Urges Speaker Paul Ryan To Debate Use Of Military Force Against ISIL
By Hannah Albarazi   2016-02-11
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