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Current Affairs Review
Bad news for the GOP: America isn’t scared of Bernie’s “socialism”
By Gary Legum   2016-02-03
The Republican Party has spent generations raving about the dangers of socialism. But it isn't working anymore
The West Is Traveling The Road To Economic Ruin
By Paul Craig Roberts   2016-02-03
Introduction to Michael Hudson's new book: Killing the Host
White House Brief: Things to Know About Bernie Sanders
By ken thomas   2016-02-02
UN group recommends 'reparatory justice' for African Americans
By Molly Jackson   2016-02-02
The UN Working Group of Experts on People of African Descent criticized disparities in wealth, health care, and criminal justice for African Americans.
Tomgram: Nomi Prins, The Big Money and What It Means in Election 2016
By Nomi Prins   2016-02-02
Professor Sanders Offers a History Lecture
By Sam Frizell   2016-01-31
America's angry voters divvied up by Trump and Sanders: poll
By Ginger Gibson and Chris Kahn   2016-01-31
Asian American Issues are American Issues Too, and We Need to Participate in Politics to Make Our Voices Heard
By Pamela Chan   2016-01-31
Good News, World! You Can Stop Worrying About the South China Sea!
By Peter Lee   2016-01-30
How the Past Can Inform the Future
By Steven Luckert   2016-01-28
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