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Current Affairs Review
Noam Chomsky: Donald Trump Is Winning Because White America Is Dying
By Matt Ferner   2016-02-28
Noam Chomsky says Trump's rise is partly due to deeply rooted -- and potentially fatal -- feelings of fear and anger.
Europe's Questionable Refugee Policy
By Justine Frangouli-Argyris   2016-02-27
FDA Officially Belongs to Big Pharma With Senate Confirmation of Dr. Robert Califf
By Martha Rosenberg   2016-02-27
China says 'really needs' South China Sea defenses in face of United States
By Ben Blanchard   2016-02-26
Israeli-Palestinian Violence Is Not Inevitable
By Emily McKee   2016-02-25
An Open Letter to My Friends Who Support Donald Trump
By Jeremy Nix   2016-02-25
White Americans are nearly as blind to their racism as ever before
By Jim Grimsley   2016-02-25
The Evil Empire has the World in a Death Grip
By Paul Craig Roberts   2016-02-24
Sea level is now rising at fastest rate in nearly 3,000 years
By Andrew Freedman   2016-02-24
Thousands surround Japan parliament in protest at US base plan
By AFP   2016-02-22
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