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Current Affairs Review
Fighting Extremism With Knowledge: Learning The Lessons Of Muhammad
By Tom Gjelten   2016-03-12
Links between climate change and extreme weather are increasingly clear and present
By Adam Sobel   2016-03-12
Awash in Empty Homes, China Asks Migrant Workers to Settle Down
By OWEN GUO   2016-03-11
Why Americans are so angry in 2016
By Heather Long,Patrick Gillpesie   2016-03-11
The rise of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, many say, is a reflection of the anger in America today.
Dangerous Levels Of Global Warming Could Happen Sooner Than Experts Predicted
By Jan Mabry   2016-03-10
Fukushima's ground zero: No place for man or robot
By A. Sheldrick & M. Funakoshi   2016-03-10
China says 300,000 punished for corruption
By CBS/AP   2016-03-07
What happened to the settlers the Japanese army abandoned in China
By Michael Meyer   2016-03-07
The New York Times' first article about Hitler's rise is absolutely stunning
By Zack Beauchamp   2016-03-04
Tomgram: Mattea Kramer, The Grief of Others and the Boasts of Candidates
By Mattea Kramer   2016-03-04
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