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Current Affairs Review
6% of companies make 50% of U.S. profit
By Matt Krantz   2016-03-03
The [Redacted] Truth: How the CIA Lies to Its Own Employees
By John Kiriakou   2016-03-03
An Old Book Not Really Old: They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45
By Milton Mayer   2016-03-02
Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, Donald Trump and the Remaking of America
By Andrew Bacevich   2016-03-02
5 Years Later, the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Site Continues to Spill Waste The cleanup effort could take decades; meanwhile the amount of ra
By Madhusree Mukerjee   2016-03-02
The cleanup effort could take decades; meanwhile the amount of radioactive material the plant leaks grows
Avoid Confrontaiton in the South China Sea
By Tom Mockaitis   2016-02-29
A seat for everyone at the table
By K. L. Schlozman & H. E. Brady   2016-02-28
... economic inequality begets political inequality which, in turn, furthers economic inequality...
The Clintons and Wall Street: 24 Years of Enriching Each Other
By Richard W. Behan   2016-02-28
A Look At The Wealth And Income Gap, By ZIP Code
By Jim Zarroli   2016-02-28
The most prosperous parts of the U.S. have recovered nicely from the 2008 financial crisis, but many other places remain mired in high unemployment and poverty, according to a report measuring wealth levels by ZIP code.
Trade Rules Trump Climate Action: U.S. Blocks India’s Ambitious Solar Plans
By Alex Kirby   2016-02-28
“This ruling shows the dangers posed by more wide-ranging trade agreements such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Trade in Services Agreement and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, which will liberalize trade in dirty fossil fuels and restrict government options [for climate protection] even further,”...
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