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Current Affairs Review
Millennials are significantly more progressive than their parents
By Sean McElwee   2016-03-26
Bernie Sanders pulls even with Hillary Clinton in a new poll. Because it’s the economy, stupid.
By Philip Bump   2016-03-26
The New Legalist editor's note: The fundamental difference between the two candidates is in their attitude towards big capital, and foreign policy is but an extension of domestic policy.
A Muslim in Charlotte responds to Brussels
By Khalil A. Akbar   2016-03-26
When I learned about ISIS’ attack in Brussels, I cringed with fear, grief and outrage....My thoughts then turned to the millions of innocent Muslims who will be unfairly punished for these criminals’ actions.... Offering condolences to victims’ families is, perhaps, not enough; we citizens must work to combat it...
China Focuses on Climate Action in Latest Five-Year Plan
By Anum Yoon   2016-03-26
To outsiders, that sounds like too much power in the hands of the few. However, this could be the best way to make sweeping changes that address climate issues.
Clinton Email Scandal: Here’s One Thing Hillary Was Trying To Hide
By investors.com   2016-03-25
Hillary Clinton seemed to spend as much time financially feeding her family's Clinton Foundation with foreign cash as she did protecting American interests as secretary of state.
Elizabeth Warren says Trump is right about 1 thing
By Heather Long   2016-03-24
Senator Elizabeth Warren went on a Twitter tirade on Monday, calling Donald Trump a "loser" and "tyrant." But later...
Jeffrey Smith: Industry and Government Lies About the Safety of GMO Foods (Video In English and Chinese)
By Jeffrey Smith   2016-03-24
Our socialist youth: Why millennials are embracing a bad, old term
By Christine Emba   2016-03-23
Raúl Castro, Obama spar on human rights, Guantanamo, views of U.S. and Cuba
By Karen DeYoung, Juliet Eilperin   2016-03-23
Release of CO2 fastest in 66 million years: study
By Marlowe Hood   2016-03-23
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