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Current Affairs Review
Republicans are plotting economic disaster for 2016
By Ryan Cooper   2016-04-06
...The results would be just as what happened on the state level, only worse....
4 Reasons Free Trade Has Become A Contentious Political And Economic Issue
By Jeffrey Dorfman   2016-04-06
The climate change and its impact on democracy
By Graciela Chichilnisky   2016-04-06
We need to decouple economic progress from fossil fuels if we are to survive as a species.
China Innovation Power: Far Out-Ranks U.S. And Japan In New Patent Applications
By Rebecca Fannin   2016-04-05
The Blue State Model
By Thomas Frank   2016-04-03
With important note by The New Legalist editor: Means of production contains, besides hidden potential value from Nature in raw materials, also the value of collective wisdom of all humanity in production technology and equipment inherited from the long past..."
The Growth of Concentrated Poverty Since the Recession, in 3 Infographics
By Tanvi Misra   2016-04-03
A new analysis by the Brookings Institution shows increases in two-thirds of the largest U.S. metros.
Pulled From Festival, Anti-Vaccination Film Will Run in Theater
By MELENA RYZIK   2016-04-03
Why Do Europe’s Muslims Hate The West?
By investors.com   2016-04-03
Hillary Clinton Turned a Stable, Developed Nation Into an ISIS Safe Haven. That’s the Real Benghazi Scandal
By Riley Waggaman   2016-04-02
Reports of Planet Earth's Death Have Been Greatly ... Underestimated
By Jack Holmes   2016-04-02
Are you really surprised?
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