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Current Affairs Review
Obama’s Broken Pledge on Nuclear Weapons
By R. Jeffrey Smith   2016-04-02
A president who once made nuclear security a centerpiece of his administration now winds down with a legacy that isn't so glowing.
19 Fascinating Bernie Sanders Facts To Blow Your Mind
By lifedaily.com   2016-04-01
The strange power of Donald Trump’s speech patterns
By Andrew Romano   2016-04-01
The Clinton investigation enters a dangerous phase
By Judge Andrew P. Napolitano   2016-04-01
Fidel Castro says Obama’s ‘syrupy words’ were enough to cause a heart attack
By Karen DeYoung   2016-03-30
Hillary feels the heat if not the Bern: New national poll shows closest race of 2016
By Hannah Hartig, etc.   2016-03-30
Manmade Earthquakes Are Putting Even More Of The Country At Risk
By Lydia O’Connor   2016-03-30
This is the first USGS hazard report to factor in manmade earthquakes.... The oil and gas industry is considered the primary cause of such quakes.... Seven million Americans risk facing one in 2016.
Tomgram: William Astore, America's Post-Democratic Military
By William Astore   2016-03-29
A Military Leviathan Has Emerged as America’s 51st and Most Powerful State
Study suggests Earth is heading toward a second catastrophic hot-house event
By Chris Mooney   2016-03-29
Bombshell: Clinton Foundation Donor’s Flight From Justice Aided by Hillary Allies
By Ken Silverstein   2016-03-26
Clinton donor smeared a decorated DEA agent and helped crooked Venezuelan friends escape justice
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