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Current Affairs Review
Sanders meets with Pope Francis, calls it a 'real honor'
By KEN THOMAS   2016-04-16
"His message is resonating with every religion on earth with people who have no religion and it is a message that says we have got to inject morality and justice into the global economy," Sanders said.
Muslim nations to fight terrorism with united front / Does the Muslim world have the leaders it needs?
By UPI / aljazeera   2016-04-16
California fast-food workers shift focus from minimum wage to unionizing
By Samantha Masunaga   2016-04-16
'Million Student March' Organizer Clashes With Cavuto: Capitalist System Is 'Illegitimate'
By foxnews   2016-04-16
"We're spending our money on wars, ... on tax breaks for big, wealthy corporations,... This system of capitalism has proven itself illegitimate, and it cannot provide basic things like education, shelter, health care."
Elizabeth Warren Goes on an Amazing Rant After Terrifying Report on Big Banks
By Zeeshan Aleem   2016-04-16
...five of the biggest banks in the nation failed a major test of whether they could undergo bankruptcy without having a disruptive effect on the entire financial system...
Bernie's backers rage against Democratic machine
By Daniel Strauss   2016-04-16
The Vermont senator's supporters don't think he's getting a fair shake. And that could complicate efforts to unify the party once the nomination is decided.
Hillary Clinton rakes in Verizon cash while Bernie Sanders supports company’s striking workers
By Ben Norton   2016-04-16
Tomgram: William Astore, Words About War Matter
By William Astore   2016-04-15
President Killary: Would the World Survive Hillary Clinton?
By Paul Craig Roberts   2016-04-14
Many U.S. corporations pay little in federal income taxes: report
By Reuters on Yahoo   2016-04-14
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