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Current Affairs Review
The G7 Should Be Scrapped: It Is An Anomaly And An Affront
By Jean-Pierre Lehmann   2016-05-23
Joseph Stiglitz: Economic Models Must Account for ‘Who Has the Power’
By Mark Thoma   2016-05-20
CEOs get 335 times what average worker makes -unions
By Ross Kerber   2016-05-20
Pope Criticizes The West’s Blind Spot When It Comes To Exporting Democracy
By Reuters   2016-05-19
The pope has frequently attacked what he calls “cultural colonialism.”
The Age Of Impunity
By Jeffrey D. Sachs   2016-05-18
Authoritarian Politics in the Age of Civic Illiteracy
By Henry Giroux   2016-05-16
Democratic congressman writes Anonymous tell-all book
By David Martosko   2016-05-14
'Screw the next generation' and 'Harry Reid's a pompous a** / slamming 'nation of naive, self-absorbed sheep' as he admits he never reads bills he votes on -- By David Martosko, Us Political Editor For Dailymail.com
Hillary’s Latest Scandal: She And Bill Siphoned $100 Mil From Mideast Leaders
By investors.com editorial   2016-05-14
Hiroshima, My Father, and the Lie of U.S. Innocence
By Jerry Delaney   2016-05-12
Why Washington hid Japan’s crimes, and its own, in the reckoning of justice after World War II.
The Financial Benefits of Living With Less
By Kendal Perez   2016-05-12
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