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Current Affairs Review
Historical Facts about China's Sovereignty over South China Sea
By Ben Mah   2016-06-15
Excerpts from the book “Chimerica, the Tale of Two Nations” by Ben Mah,quoted from a reader's comment on a blog discussing Sino-U.S. relations.
After Orlando, divided we mourn
By Michael Gerson   2016-06-14
Pope calls delivery of weapons, not food a 'strange paradox'
By AP   2016-06-14
"We are fully aware of this, yet we allow our conscience to be anesthetized. We become desensitized."
What Clinton And Trump Have In Common
By Timothy Stanley   2016-06-13
...in many ways they are the same.... the similarities run from dying their hair... to being one percenters.... Look beyond the rhetoric and America still seems like a country run by the rich for the rich.
The Doomsday Clock
By Noam Chomsky   2016-06-13
Nuclear Weapons, Climate Change, and the Prospects for Survival -- This essay is excerpted from Noam Chomsky’s new book, Who Rules the World? (Metropolitan Books)
Pope appeals for end to 'slavery' of child labour
By AFP   2016-06-12
SourceFed Responds: Google + Clinton Follow Up (Videos)
By SourceFed   2016-06-11
Elite Universities Are Closing Their Doors To Poor And Minority Students
By Nick Morrison   2016-06-10
Hillary Clinton under fire for wearing $12,495 Armani jacket during inequality speech
By SF GATE staff   2016-06-09
By 2020, half the world's wealth will be controlled by millionaires
By Robert Frank   2016-06-08
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