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Current Affairs Review
The Atomic Bomb Didn't End the War
By Peter Kuznick   2016-05-29
It was Soviet intervention, not the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, that caused Japan to surrender.
The Untold History of US War Crimes
By Peter Kuzinick &Edu Montesanti   2016-05-28
In this exclusive interview, Prof Peter Kuznick speaks of: the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagazaki; US crimes and lies behind the Vietnam war, and what was really behind that inhumane invasion; why the US engaged a Cold War with the Soviet Union, and how that war and the mainstream media influences the world today; the interests behind the assassinations of President Kennedy; US imperialism towards Latin America, during the Cold War and today, under the false premise of War on Terror and War on Drugs.
Bombing Hiroshima changed the world, but it didn't end WWII
By Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick   2016-05-27
The atomic bombings, terrible and inhumane as they were, played little role in Japanese leaders’ calculations to quickly surrender... Truman understood the stakes. He knew the Soviet invasion would end the war. He knew assuring Japan about the emperor might also lead to surrender. But he decided to use the atomic bombs anyway.
Tomgram: Michael Klare, The Oil World in Chaos
By Michael Klare   2016-05-27
And the greatest nightmares of all lurk not in any of this but in the inability of these states and those they supply to liberate themselves from reliance on fossil fuels fast enough. Looking into the future, the demise of petro-states as we’ve known them could have a profound impact on the struggle to avert catastrophic climate change.
CEO pay in 2015: When a $468,449 raise is typical
By Stan Choe   2016-05-27
Pay packages for CEOs at the biggest companies kept climbing last year, even though their companies' stock prices largely went nowhere
‘All these are qualities that we share’: Grand imam on meeting the pope
By Julie Zauzmer   2016-05-26
I again express my heartfelt thanks, my appreciation and my hope — that I will carry with me — of working together, Muslims and Christians, al-Azhar and the Vatican, to relieve human beings wherever they are, regardless of their religion and belief, and to save them from destructive wars, poverty, ignorance and disease.
Big names give big cash to pro-Hillary Clinton Super PAC
By Jacob Pramuk   2016-05-25
Guess Who’s On Monsanto’s Board of Directors
By Jill Ettinger   2016-05-25
The Pentagon’s War on Accountability
By William D. Hartung   2016-05-25
If your head is spinning after this brief tour of the Pentagon’s budget labyrinth, it should be. That’s just what the Pentagon wants its painfully complicated budget practices to do: leave Congress, any administration, and the public too confused and exhausted to actually hold it accountable for how our tax dollars are being spent. So far, they’re getting away with it.
The Battle for the Soul of American Higher Education
By Aviva Chomsky   2016-05-23
...university administrators prefer student demands that can be co-opted or absorbed into their current business model. Allowing the prevailing culture to define the parameters of their protest has left the burgeoning Millennial Movement in a precarious position.
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