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Big names give big cash to pro-Hillary Clinton Super PAC
By Jacob Pramuk
2016-05-25 12:01:35
Source: finance.yahoo.com

Cash kept flowing for Hillary Clinton in April.

The former secretary of state's campaign committee reported total receipts of about $25 million for the month and ended it with more than $30 million on hand, according to federal data filed Friday. While her Democratic rival Sen. Bernie Sanders outraised her with about $27 million in receipts, his campaign also spent more and ended April with $5.8 million on hand.

Clinton had one clear money advantage over Sanders and presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump . A pro-Clinton Super PAC raked in large sums from some big-name families as it gears up for a likely general election slugfest with Trump.

Priorities USA Action, which cannot coordinate with the Clinton campaign but can spend in support of her, reported receipts of $8.6 million in April. It closed the month with more than $46 million on hand, and plans to spend money on negative ads against Trump, among other efforts.

Here are some of the donors who gave to the committee in April:

  • Billionaire media mogul Haim Saban, a co-owner of Univision (: UVN), gave $1.5 million to the committee. His wife, Cheryl, added another $1.5 million.
  • Alex Soros, son of billionaire investor George Soros, donated $1 million. His father previously gave Priorities USA Action $6 million last year.
  • Slim-Fast founder Daniel Abraham contributed $1 million.
  • David E. Shaw of medical research firm D.E. Shaw Research gave $750,000.

Sanders, who has only a slim chance of securing the nomination, has repeatedly bashed the political influence of large donors and fueled his campaign mostly on small individual contributions. Campaign finance reform is a key part of his platform.

Trump's campaign, meanwhile, took in only about $14 million in contributions through April. Trump himself has loaned more than $43 million to the campaign, though it can reimburse him if it receives enough contributions.

Trump appealed to many GOP primary voters by saying that since he self-funded his campaign, special interests cannot influence him. However, as his campaign this month turned toward the general election, it started to set up a fundraising organization and signed a joint fundraising agreement with the Republican Party.

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