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Current Affairs Review
Chip labour: Robots replace waiters in China restaurant
By Albee ZHANG   2018-08-16
With The New Legalist editor’s note
The Dangerous Myth The U.S. Is Winning The Trade War With China
By Harry G. Broadman   2018-08-15
With The New Legalist editor's comment
Imperialists’ Fear and Loathing. . . of being Colonized
By James Petras   2018-08-14
If The Economy is So Good, Why Are Wages Flat?
By Pete Dolack   2018-08-13
...the increasing power of employers over employees is counteracting that upward pressure to instead depresses wages... / GDP was a measure created when survival was at stake [that] took little notice of things such as depreciation of assets, or pollution of the environment, let alone finer human accomplishments.
China’s Challenge Is America’s Opportunity
By L. Rafael Reif   2018-08-12
State of the Climate Report Confirms Planet Has Entered 'New Neighborhood' of Global Temperatures
By EcoWatch   2018-08-11
How to help Trump win his trade wars
By Rick Newman   2018-08-11
With The New Legalist editor's note
Pope rules out death penalty in change to church teaching
By NICOLE WINFIELD   2018-08-10
Democratic socialist writer levels with voters: We want to ‘end capitalism’
By Adam Shaw   2018-08-09
Let’s Tax the Rich
By LAWRENCE WITTNER   2018-08-08
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