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Current Affairs Review
Stop Blaming Boomers for Social Security's Mess, and Blame These 6 Things Instead
By Sean Williams, The Motley Fool   2018-09-13
Underneath all the AI hype is the likelihood it threatens the poor, says this former Microsoft and Google exec (GOOG, GOOGL)
By Greg Sandoval   2018-09-12
The Costs of 9/11 Continue to Mount
By Paul Craig Roberts   2018-09-12
The cost of 9/11 far exceeds the WTC buildings and the lives that were lost. The real cost is the US Constitution, the separation of powers, civil liberty, and the rule of law.
Climate of Class Rule: Common(s)er Revolt or Common Ruin
By PAUL STREET   2018-09-11
Google and Apple’s Systems to Track you in Person: What the Media Isn’t Telling You
By MICHAEL KWET   2018-09-10
Behind the scenes, the strategy of surveillance capitalism is to continue building an enormous ecosystem backed by rich investors and heavy hitters across industries – chip fabs, cloud server farms, specialized hardware, and many thousands of companies to provide data services. Taken together, they are too big to fail. Providing genuine, simple privacy now means incinerating the Big Data surveillance industry.... Can we stop the emerging Internet of Stings, and with it, surveillance capitalism? To secure real privacy, it’s going to take a movement more committed than the battle for net neutrality. We need to take close look at the players linked to the advertising industry – and their vision for the future – to get a sense of what we’re up against.
What Will Donald Trump Be Remembered For?
By Tom Engelhardt   2018-09-09
A Crime Against Humanity
Crazy Rich Imperialists?
By Nick Pemberton   2018-09-08
The Weaponization of the US Dollar
By Pepe Escobar   2018-09-07
Crashing Currency Chaos Spreads Across the Global South
The Decade of a Rising China: 10 Years After the Financial Crisis
By JENNY CLEGG   2018-09-06
what is all the harder is for the West – the US and its allies – to acknowledge that China’s advance, in contrast to their own sluggish performances, exposes the difference between a system which chooses to bail out the banks and one which sought to bail out the economy; between one that does all it can to boost its financial sector, and one which promoted economic stimulus to boost production; between one which squeezes those poorer in the blind pursuit of profit and one which raises up the poor, organising development in a systematic way; between one that pumps out huge amounts of ‘hot money’into the world economy to play havoc with other countries’financial systems and one that offers patient capital to help others manage their financial difficulties to avoid crises.
BOOK REVIEW: Giants: The Global Power Elite by Professor Peter Phillips
By Robert J Burrowes   2018-09-05
The death and destruction inflicted by elites is highly profitable, centuries-old and ongoing. It will take powerful, strategically-focused nonviolent campaigns (or societal collapse) to compel the necessary changes in elite behavior.
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