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Current Affairs Review
The Working Class Strikes Back (Book recommendation)
By CHRIS WRIGHT   2018-09-04
What I've Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy (Video)
By informationclearinghouse.info   2018-09-03
The history of the terrorism conducted by the CIA, since the end of the World War II when countries in Asia and Latin America, were trying to make changes to improve their economical and political situation, the Unite States realized that it was not good for their status as new super power; and began a new campaign, with only one rule, Anything Goes. This is the story of the terrorism of the CIA.
Becoming Serfs
By Chris Hedges   2018-09-02
...The elites divert attention from their pillage by blaming foreign countries such as China or undocumented workers for the economic demise of the working class....Workers struggling under massive debts, unable to pay for ever-rising health care and other basic costs, trapped in low-wage jobs that make life one long emergency, are rendered invisible by a media that entertains us with court gossip from porn actresses and reality television stars and focuses on celebrity culture. We ignore reality at our peril....
Elizabeth Warren’s Far-Reaching New Bill Aims To Actually Drain The Swamp
By Daniel Marans   2018-09-01
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass. wants a lifetime ban on members of Congress from getting hired as lobbyists after they leave public office. She also wants to prohibit lawmakers from owning or trading individual stocks while in office. A key part of the Massachusetts senator’s measure would require that candidates for federal office release their tax returns.
California Senate sends landmark bail reform bill to Gov. Jerry Brown
By JAZMINE ULLOA   2018-08-31
For decades, the money bail system has created a two-tiered system that prioritizes profit and penalizes poverty, and has been especially detrimental for communities of color,
The Other Side of John McCain
By Max Blumenthal   2018-08-30
If the paeans to McCain by diverse political climbers seems detached from reality, it’s because they reflect the elite view of U.S. military interventions as a chess game, with the millions killed by unprovoked aggression mere statistics, says Max Blumenthal.
The Oakland Buddha – How One Buddha Statue Brought Neighbourhood Crime Down by 82%
By Ruth Kenny   2018-08-29
Why some reactions to Bible depictions are less than positive and loving
By latimes.com   2018-08-28
BOOK REVIEW: The Apocalypse of Settler Colonialism: The Roots of Slavery... by Gerald Horne
By LOUIS PROYECT   2018-08-27
Horne’s debunking of the bourgeois-democratic revolution goes against the grain of 175 years of Marxist thinking. For many theorists overly influenced by the bourgeois historians that preceded Marx and Engels, there is a tendency to repeat the “stagist” conceptions that saw human history as an escalator leading upward to advanced civilizations.
Sanctions, Sanctions, Sanctions – The Final Demise of Dollar Hegemony?
By Peter Koenig   2018-08-26
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