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Current Affairs Review
The Moral and Spiritual Bankruptcy of White Evangelicals
By RYAN LAMOTHE   2018-07-28
American Empire Demands a Caesar
By Bruce Fein   2018-07-27
Trump is hardly our first emperor. The warfare state has been trampling the Constitution for a long time.
Noam Chomsky on Fascism, Showmanship and Democrats’ Hypocrisy in the Trump Era
By C.J. Polychroniou   2018-07-26
...isn’t it true that China is merely practicing today the same sort of mercantilist policies that the US and Great Britain practiced in the past on their way to global ascendancy? ...
The Karma Of ‘Blowback’
By Philip Farruggio   2018-07-26
Sadly, the greatest recruiting tool for the fanatics out there has been our empire's lies, deceptions, illegal invasions, illegal occupations, massive airstrikes on civilians, and of course Torture!
“Democratic Institutions?” – 10 Lessons from history that will destroy your trust in the CIA
By Off Guardian   2018-07-26
A Trump trade war victory over China could be disastrous for the US
By Dion Rabouin   2018-07-25
Tomgram: John Feffer, The Jaws Presidency
By John Feffer   2018-07-24
Agriculture, construction, and the service sector all rely heavily on recent immigrants... Immigrant workers, both legal and undocumented, make the U.S. economy an estimated 11% larger than it would otherwise be. / [Trump's] “$800 billion a year” ...trade deficit with countries around the world... doesn’t incorporate the net surplus in "services" -- such as tourism, royalties, and banking -- the United States has with other countries, which promptly brings that figure down to $500 billion. / The organs of the global economy like the World Trade Organization set the rules of the road that have consistently preserved Washington’s privileges, including the dollar’s use as the world’s most common reserve currency. / Far more important [than the tariff deficit is] the enormous and ever-growing debt the United States has, something the Trump tax “reform” plan and his driving desire to continually boost the country’s already bloated military spending only aggravate.
Given What the U.S. Has Done to the World, It Should Be Letting All Refugees In
By Khury Peterson-Smith   2018-07-23
From the Muslim Ban to family separations, the U.S. is cruelly restricting refugees from conflicts it helped create.
Democratic Socialism Surging in the Age of Trump
By STEVE PEOPLES,   2018-07-22
In many states, democratic socialiAPsts are stepping up in Democratic Party politics.
How Corporations Won Their Civil Rights
By Justin Fox   2018-07-21
Legal scholar Adam Winkler traces the constitutional history that brought us Citizens United and a “weaponized” First Amendment. -- With note from The New Legalist editor.
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