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Current Affairs Review
America Celebrates Lateral Transition From Monarchy To Corporatist Oligarchy
By Caitlin Johnstone   2018-07-11
Trump Tariffs Primarily Hit Multinational Supply Chains, Harm US Technology Competitiveness
By Mary E. Lovely (PIIE) and Yang   2018-07-10
Robert Reich: How to prevent future Trumps
By Robert Reich   2018-07-09
"America must respond to the calamity that’s befallen the working class." But how? See what The New Legalist editor says...
Venezuela’s embarrassment of riches?
By Chris Gilbert   2018-07-08
Socialism is not in a race against capitalism
Justice Kennedy and the Myth of the Legal Neutrality
By David Schultz   2018-07-07
In recent history, the best predictor of how individual Justices will vote is to look at which president appointed them.
Ecology: The Keystone Science
By WILLIAM HAWES   2018-07-06
There is no way to make any one country “great again” at the expense of other nations. This is a false binary embedded in Western culture that goes by the name of the “Either/Or”. Rather, we must adopt the “And/Both” model of cultures synergistically and mutually thriving.... This false dichotomy has insidiously found its way into the Earth sciences, with the categorization and response to “invasive species”. Human disturbance accounts for upwards of 95% of invasives causing harm to new ecosystems, yet even within the academy, detailed plans for shifting our lifestyles are few and far between, and predictably ignored by mainstream society.
July 4 Is Matrix Reinforcement Day
By Paul Craig Roberts   2018-07-05
An Update for 2018: More Evidence That Half of Americans Are In or Near Poverty
By Paul Buchheit   2018-07-05
The extreme level of inequality in the U.S. is battering the poor
Pope: Church must be in contact with people's real problems
By FRANCES D'EMILIO, AP   2018-07-04
The U.S. Can’t Afford to Demonize China
By MICHAEL D. SWAINE   2018-07-03
The relationship between Beijing and Washington is collapsing fast, to everyone’s detriment.
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