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Current Affairs Review
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez explains democratic socialism on the
By feeds.cbsnews.com   2018-07-02
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez explains democratic socialism on the "Late Show" https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/0a95b113-daf6-3208-b0e6-8c44b8fddabe/ss_alexandria-ocasio-cortez.html
After Janus, Labor Is In a Deep Hole. Here’s How It Could Dig Itself Out.
By RICHARD A. GREENWALD   2018-07-02
It’s time for workers to self-organize and fight for a fairer deal as part of a social movement. "Janus could be a blessing in disguise if it forces the labor movement to break free of a narrow economic vision and its too-close alliance with the Democratic Party, and hastens a return to its social movement roots."
American Totalitarianism and the Culture of Fake News
"As former CIA chief William Casey would later cynically brag to President Ronald Reagan during a cabinet meeting: "We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
The United States Withdraws from the World
By Philip M. Giraldi   2018-06-30
... the U.S. withdrawal from U.N. agencies is, if anything, a sign of weakness rather than strength.... Haley’s was the only vote against [what she opposed] and the only vote in favor of [what she favored].
Ice is a tool of illegality. It must be abolished
By Zephyr Teachout ,The Guardian   2018-06-29
Why Do They Flee?
By William Blum   2018-06-28
whenever a progressive government comes to power in Latin America or threatens to do so, a government sincerely committed to fighting poverty, the United States helps to suppress the movement and/or supports the country’s right-wing and military in staging a coup. This has been the case in Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico, Nicaragua and Honduras.
Trump’s Doomsday Gamble in China Trade War
"... The biggest chunk of America’s trade deficit with China is the offshored production of America’s global corporations. When the corporations bring the products that they produce in China to the US consumer market, the products are classified as imports from China. ...millions of Americans lost their middle class jobs not because China played unfairly, but because American corporations betrayed the American people and exported their jobs. “Making America great again” means dealing with these corporations, not with China...." -- Paul Craig Roberts
Is Teen Vogue turning Karl Marx into its next teen idol?
By Arthur Herman   2018-06-25
Popularity of tariffs on China may lead to pain
By David J. Lynch   2018-06-24
With comment form The New Legalist editor.
Sessions isn't the first to 'textjack' the Bible. Here are five of the most misused scriptures
By John Blake   2018-06-24
With comment by The New Legalist editor.
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