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Current Affairs Review
Bank Chief Writes About “The Myths And Misunderstandings Of The US-China Trade Relationship”
By china.usc.edu   2018-05-05
Dominic Ng 吳建民, chairman and chief executive officer of East West Bank 華美銀行 and a USC trustee, shares his views.
Marxist Communism for Today's World
By Sherwin Lu   2018-05-05
Today marks the 200th anniversary of Karl Marx’s birthday. And this year also sees the 170th anniversary of the publication of The Communist Manifesto. Currently, with the world communist movement in its serious setback while the global capitalist system heading fast towards its historical doom of a final breakdown, Marxist communism is undergoing a fresh rebirth. To carry forward Marx’s noble cause, the world’s believers in communism need to look back into history and draw profound lessons ...
I Know Which Country the U.S. Will Invade Next
By Lee Camp   2018-05-04
Chaco Canyon, Chaco Earth
By CHRIS HEDGES   2018-05-04
Collapse is “a recurrent feature of human societies.” Complex societies create more sophisticated mechanisms to extract depleted resources, evidenced in our own time by the decision of the Trump administration to open up the lands around the Chaco Culture National Historical Park to fracking. In the end, the technologies and organization that make the rise of complex societies possible become the mechanisms that destroy them....
The great illusion: Why democracy is in decline
By Harlan Ullman   2018-05-03
The New Legalist editor: "[G]rowing gaps between rich and other" is not among the causes of the decline of democracy but rather ...
From May 1968 to May 2018: Politics and Student Strikes
By DANIEL WARNER   2018-05-01
Capitalism’s Betrayal Of The Working Class Could Be Its Undoing
By Richard D. Wolff   2018-05-01
The New Legalist editor: Capitalism has always been maintained through capital's domination over labor from the very start, never a patron of the working class. Hence, "betrayal" is not the proper word, though this article makes good sense.
“How Come?” Questions
By ANDREW LEVINE   2018-04-30
There are many reasons why American politics often seems more baffling than the politics of other so-called democracies.
There are signs Trump's trade friction is killing jobs in big manufacturing states
By Business Insider   2018-04-30
Climate action woefully inadequate, U.N. talks leader Fiji says
By Alister Doyle 3 MIN READ   2018-04-29
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