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Current Affairs Review
By Sam Biddle   2018-04-12
Facebook and the Rise of Anti-Social Media
By ROB URIE   2018-04-12
War Deaths, and Taxes
By JOHN LAFORGE   2018-04-11
Rethink Weapons Exports
By Kristin Y. Christman   2018-04-11
... Instead of resolving conflict, weapons dealers thrive within it, like parasites infesting a wound. As William Hartung describes in "Prophets of War," Lockheed Martin has lobbied to drive foreign policy towards company goals of increasing foreign exports by 25 percent. Lockheed pushed for NATO expansion to Russia's doorstep to make billion dollar weapons deals with new members. The Project for the New American Century, an influential "think tank" with a Lockheed Martin executive as director, pushed to invade Iraq....
"Events Today Could Lead To The Last War In The History Of Mankind", Veteran Putin General Warns
By Tyler Durden   2018-04-10
Trump's tax plan should save the largest American companies $150 billion — here's how they're spending that money
By Richard Feloni   2018-04-10
Some US states press ahead on climate change goals, despite Trump
By Ivan Couronne, AFP   2018-04-09
Twenty of the 50 states, some hundred cities and a thousand companies have already set targets for reducing the greenhouse effect, according to America's Pledge, an initiative launched by former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg and the California Governor Jerry Brown.
Leaked EPA email tells staff to play up climate denial, ignore actual data
By Andrew Freedman   2018-04-08
US Hypocrisy Marks Descent Into Barbarism
By strategic-culture.org   2018-04-08
Trump as Symptom of a Deeper Disease: An Assessment After One Year
By Robert Kosuth   2018-04-07
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