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Current Affairs Review
BOOK REVIEW: History of the Decline and Fall of America by Scott Erickson
By Robert Hunziker   2018-04-29
Heartsick Boy Asks If Atheist Dad Is In Heaven. Pope Francis Reveals The Answer With A Hug.
By Carol Kuruvilla   2018-04-28
America’s Weak Case Against China
By STEPHEN S. ROACH   2018-04-27
The US Trade Representative appears to have made an ironclad case against China in the so-called Section 301 report issued on March 22. But the report – now widely viewed as evidence justifying the Trump administration's recent tariffs and other punitive measures against China – is wide of the mark in several key areas.
Pruitt's EPA will now classify burning wood as 'carbon neutral,' baffling scientists (among others)
By Andrew Freedman ,Mashable   2018-04-27
"Carbon neutrality is not climate neutrality." ... the problem involves a mismatch in timescales. A forest that’s been cut down for wood pellets that are burned in a power plant in England, for example, might take 100 years to grow back to its full carbon absorbing potential. During that time, more carbon dioxide emissions would’ve caused global warming to worsen, with irreversible impacts....
Global warming is mixing up nature's dinner time, study says
By Seth Borenstein   2018-04-27
The New legalist editor's comment: This study shows that all things in nature (human society included) are interdependent. But under the domination of the capitalist system, capital's profit motive tears everything apart from each other and is driving humanity to the brink of self-destruction! Hope it is not too late to wake up to this stark reality!!!
California university won't punish professor who jeered Bush
By Associated Press   2018-04-26
The New Legalist editor: One should be encouraged and praised to expose the racism of influential personages based on facts, while celebrating the death of somebody who has not committed crimes deserving death penalty be censured.
Pruitt promised polluters EPA will value their profits over American lives
By Dana Nuccitelli ,The Guardian   2018-04-25
Pruitt is one of TIME’s 100 most influential people for his efforts to maximize polluters’ profits
An Assessment of the Mixed Ownership Form of Enterprise
By David M. Kotz   2018-04-25
This paper is based on a presentation given by David M. Kotz at the conference "2014 Forum on China's State Owned Enterprise Development: Deepening SOE Reforms and governance," Beijing, December 13, 2014.
Wealthiest Americans poised to take advantage of loophole left by GOP tax plan
By Rebekah Entralgo   2018-04-25
Trump’s ‘small business tax cut’ is actually for rich people who don’t work ...
Trump Is Discarding Laws and Assembling a War Cabinet. What Could Go Wrong?
By Robert L. Borosage   2018-04-24
Congress needs to immediately check an out-of-control president.
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