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Current Affairs Review
U.N. chief warns another Cold War developing between Russia, U.S.
By Michelle Nichols, Reuters   2018-04-01
Trump's Budget
By Dennis Sanders   2018-04-01
Billions for guns and crumbs for working people
The Fake Enemy
By URI AVNERY   2018-04-01
This article is by an Israeli writer and peace activist.
How They Sold the Iraq War
By JEFFREY ST. CLAIR   2018-03-31
The Iraq War Was a Crime, So Why Don’t We Treat It As One?
By Daniel Larison   2018-03-31
Remember My Lai (Video interviews)
By Kevin Sim, Michael Bilton   2018-03-31
WARNING: This video is powerful It contains very graphic interviews of the victims and perpetrators of violent atrocities. It also includes graphic photos of victims and butchered corpses. "Produced by Kevin Sim and Michael Bilton of England's Yorkshire Television.
An Easter Message Beyond Belief
By REV. WILLIAM ALBERTS   2018-03-30
Tomgram: Andrew Bacevich, A Memo to the Publisher of the New York Times
By Andrew Bacevich   2018-03-30
Pope Francis on Palm Sunday urged young people not to be silent
By Yahoo News Photo Staff   2018-03-29
Enough Is Enough: If You Really Want to Save Lives, Take Aim at Government Violence
By John W. Whitehead   2018-03-29
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