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Current Affairs Review
BOOK REVIEW: Astral Weeks: A Secret History of 1968 by Ryan H. Wals
By RON JACOBS   2018-04-24
Do U.S. Oligarchs Exist? Not in Mainstream Media
By JEFF COHEN   2018-04-23
Ruling Class Operatives Say the Darndest Things: On Devils Known and Not
By PAUL STREET   2018-04-22
The coming collapse of the American economic system with Richard Wolff (video interview)
By Chris Hedges   2018-04-22
Economist Richard Wolff discusses the coming economic collapse of the United States of America.
The Failure Of The Global Capitalist Fantasy
By Robert Kuttner   2018-04-21
with The New Legalist editor's comment
Peace on the Korean Peninsula at Last?
By Prof. Joseph H. Chung   2018-04-21
A debt crisis is coming. But don't blame entitlements.
By Martin Neil Baily, etc   2018-04-20
How US Has Virtually Destroyed UN
By Eric Zuesse   2018-04-19
The equivalent, in international law, to a domestic-law crime involving murder, rape, and theft, is an international invasion that’s purely for aggressive purposes and not at all authentically a defensive act against an authentic foreign threat that was coming from the invaded foreign country. Consequently, for the US Government now to have removed the UN from any authority over international invasions, is, in domestic-law equivalency, like removing a national government from authority regarding murders, rapes, and thefts, which occur inside that nation. Such a ‘government’ is no government at all. But, tragically, this is what has happened; and, so, we are now careening into World War III, in this international “Wild West” world, which we live in (and may soon die in, as things thus head into WW III).
Is Trump draining the swamp – or is the water rising?
By Linda Feldmann   2018-04-19
So far, the president's efforts to 'drain the swamp' seem more focused on deregulation and shrinking the federal workforce than making sure his team adheres to the norms and rules of ethical behavior for government officials.
North and South Korea reportedly set to announce official end to war
By Sam Meredith   2018-04-18
Ahead of a summit next week between North Korean premier Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-In, lawmakers from the neighboring states were thought to be negotiating the details of a joint statement that could outline an end to the military conflict between the two countries. Pyongyang and Seoul have technically been at war since the 1950-1953 Korean conflict ended with a truce — and not a peace treaty.
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