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Current Affairs Review
Fighting social injustice as important as fighting abortion: pope
By Philip Pullella   2018-04-18
Tomgram: Steve Fraser, Teaching America a Lesson
By Steve Fraser   2018-04-18
The strikes, rallies, and walkouts of public school teachers in West Virginia, Oklahoma, Kentucky, soon perhaps Arizona, and elsewhere are a stunning reminder that class has always mattered far more in our public and private lives than our origin story would allow. Insurgent teachers are instructing us all about a tale of denial for which we’ve paid a heavy price.
Iraq Then, Syria Now
By BARBARA NIMRI AZIZ   2018-04-17
When will you get the message? Comply, as Jordan, Egypt and others did and we’ll protect your leaders, ensure favorable press, shore up your economy, secure energy needs, and engage your businessmen. In short: abide by our imperial diktat.
China’s Bold Energy Vision
By JEFFREY D. SACHS   2018-04-17
China’s proposed Global Energy Interconnection – based on renewables, ultra-high-voltage transmission, and an AI-powered smart grid – represents the boldest global initiative by any government to achieve the goals of the Paris climate agreement. It is a strategy fit for the scale of the most important challenge the world faces today.
Jackson Rising: The Struggle for Economic Democracy and Black Self-Determination in Jackson, Mississippi
By PETE DOLACK   2018-04-16
A book recording the history, intentions and current struggles of a social project called "Cooperation Jackson" in Jackson, Mississippi, the most thorough-going experiment in economic democracy in the United States today.
Does Trump Know Anything About Trade?
By THE HUDSON REPORT   2018-04-15
Universal Basic Income: Left or Right?
Hungary's challenge to EU values wins imitators in Europe
By Griffe Witte, Michael Birnbaum   2018-04-14
The New Legalist editor's comment: The current mass migration into Europe and the resulting racial and religious conflicts are the consequences of US-led Nato's imperialist policies over large areas of the world in an attempt to impose its capitalistic (in the name of "universal") values upon other countries and peoples. Therefore, it should not expect others to bear the responsibilities, nor to accept its deceptive values.
Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out of Social Media
By BILL BLUNDEN   2018-04-13
Social media is a form of mass surveillance and a tool of elite control.... / Where people take refuge in the comfort of messaging that serves only to reinforce their existing beliefs. A novel incarnation of the divide and conquer strategy which the power elite have traditionally wielded to hobble the proles.... / Take personal responsibility for your own social life. Go back to engaging flesh and blood people without tech companies serving as an intermediary. Eschew the narcissistic impulse to broadcast the excruciating minutiae of your life to the world. Refuse to accept the mandate that you must participate in social media in order to participate in society. Reclaim your autonomy....
The Economic Impact of the Bipartisan Bank Deregulation Bill
By THE HUDSON REPORT   2018-04-13
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