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Current Affairs Review
Art Bastards
By LOUIS PROYECT   2018-10-20
The three documentaries considered chronologically in this review deal with various aspects of the commodification of art. 。。。I strongly advise seeing the three films in tandem since put together they will give you a keen sense of the cultural decay of late capitalism that puts a price tag on everything. 。。。
Tomgram: Juan Cole, How Muslims Became the Enemy
By Juan Cole   2018-10-19
Hating Muslims in the Age of Trump -- The New Islamophobia Looks Like the Old McCarthyism
The rich-poor gap is getting worse under Trump
By Rick Newman   2018-10-18
Marijuana Is Way More Dangerous to Teens than Alcohol, According to Study
By Raz Robinson   2018-10-17
All the Good News (Ignored by the Trump-Obsessed Media)
By Gary Leupp   2018-10-16
A Playbook for Taming Donald Trump
By STEPHEN M. WALT   2018-10-15
Four strategies that other countries can use to deal with a suddenly unpredictable superpower.
End of Hegemony: UN Must Reflect Changing World Order
By RAMZY BAROUD   2018-10-14
America Is on the Road to Becoming a Fascist State
By Robert Scheer   2018-10-13
Yale philosophy professor Jason Stanley reflects on Trump's ultranationalism and the eerie parallels between the U.S. and pre-war Germany.
The Real Hero
By Xinfajia   2018-10-12
BOOK REVIEW: What Comes Next BY Guy Lane
By ROBERT HUNZIKER   2018-10-12
Few people really, truly understand climate change/global warming because of scientific gobbledygook that confuses, ... What Comes Next (www.guylane.com/whatcomesnext) is packed full of great explanations that are simple and friendly to use and easily understood. It’s a fun book to read ...
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