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Current Affairs Review
U.S. hospitals that overcharge patients by 1000%
By Olga Khazan   2015-06-10
Japan's New Defense Guidelines Encourage U.S. Confrontation with China
By Doug Bandow   2015-06-09
Ecology: Socialism v. Capitalism -- Chris Williams (Video)
By Joe Friendly   2015-06-09
China’s fishermen explain why they think the sea is theirs
By Will Englund   2015-06-08
Democracy Demoralized
By Leo W. Gerard   2015-06-08
President Aquino Should Avoid Inflammatory Rhetoric On South China Sea: China Is Not Nazi Germany! -- The Philippines Has Other Priorities
By Jean-Pierre Lehmann   2015-06-08
U.S. Considers Nuclear Strikes As An Option Against Russia [REPORT]
By Christopher Morris   2015-06-07
Japan emperor's WWII 'remorse' a prod to Abe: commentator
By AFP   2015-06-04
Hacked Emails Expose George Soros As Ukraine Puppet-Master
By Tyler Durden   2015-06-04
Q&A: China’s Ambassador to the U.S. on the South China Sea, Trade and Security
By WSJ   2015-05-31
...what China is doing is only on the islands and reefs that fall within our sovereignty and our control. We are not trying to take back the islands and reefs occupied by others, although we believe such occupation is illegal... the United States has overreacted to the situation and is escalating the situation... We are not talking about the Gulf of Mexico; we are not talking about the coast of California—we are not even talking about Hawaii. We are talking about South China Sea, which is so close to China. If you don’t have any hostile intention, why are you doing all this?
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