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Current Affairs Review
UN official praises China's assistance to Nepal after quake
By AP   2015-05-04
Pope defends soon-to-be saint vs Native American objections
By AP   2015-05-02
John Roberts Basically Thinks It's OK When Politicians Just Do What Wealthy Donors Say
By Paul Blumenthal   2015-05-02
In a Case Very Few Are Discussing the Supreme Court Could Hugely Increase the Racial Wealth Gap
By Sean McElwee   2015-05-02
Here’s Who Really Controls Politics in the U.S.
By Eric Pianin   2015-05-01
May Day demos staged around the world
By AP   2015-05-01
Nonviolence as Compliance
By Ta-Nehisi Coates   2015-05-01
Officials calling for calm can offer no rational justification for Gray's death, and so they appeal for order.
America is not a Christian nation: The dark capitalist roots of our country’s most destructive myth
By ANDREW AGHAPOUR   2015-04-29
As war memories fade, Vietnam still battles Agent Orange legacy
By Lien Hoang   2015-04-29
Nuclear attack survivors, 70 years later, now fading away
By CARA ANNA   2015-04-29
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