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Current Affairs Review
US rejects nuclear disarmament document over Israel concerns
By CARA ANNA   2015-05-23
Provoking Beijing in the South China Sea Will Only Backfire on Washington
By Feng Zhang   2015-05-23
When China declares an Air Defense Identification Zone in the South China Sea, the United States will have only itself to blame.
China's Emerging Vision for World Order
By Timothy R. Heath   2015-05-23
Eight 'Bible-Believing' Churches vs. One Progressive Church
By John Shore   2015-05-22
U.S. and Israel have worst inequality in the developed world
By Alanna Petroff   2015-05-22
Congress plots to pay for a trade deal by raiding Medicare
By Michael Hiltzik   2015-05-19
Western scholars press Japan's Abe on war history
By Linda Sieg   2015-05-19
Obama on the TPP: Beckoning Us to the Graveyard
By JOHN V. WALSH   2015-05-19
Stranded: How America's Failing Public Transportation Increases Inequality
By Gillian B. White   2015-05-18
Pope Francis extends agenda of change to Vatican diplomacy
By Gavin Jones & James Mackenzie   2015-05-17
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