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Current Affairs Review
Obama is right: gun violence is much worse in the US than other advanced countries
By German Lopez   2015-06-21
Sixth mass extinction is here: US study
By AFP   2015-06-20
The world is embarking on its sixth mass extinction with animals disappearing about 100 times faster than they used to, scientists warned, and humans could be among the first victims (AFP Photo/Asit Kumar)
Synthetic Forests and The Dangers of GE Trees (video)
By Stephen Leinau   2015-06-19
The documentary provides an investigation into the devastating effects GE trees could have on our health and the environment...
Pope calls for 'action now' to save planet, stem warming, help poor
By Philip Pullella   2015-06-18
New exhibit offers different perspective on World War II end
That in no way mitigates the American responsibility for using atomic bombs...
The Saker interviews Michael Hudson
By The Saker   2015-06-13
If America had pursued a policy of mutual benefit,... But the U.S. stance is to grab everything, not share. This selfishness is what is most self-defeating ultimately.
The Lie We Live (Video)
By Spencer Cathcart   2015-06-12
Exposing the truth about our world.
How Would You Feel If China Flew Spy Planes a Dozen Miles From the California Coast?
By Hugh White   2015-06-12
Imagine how Americans would feel if Chinese military aircraft and ships conducted regular surveillance and intelligence-gathering missions within a few dozen miles of America's Pacific coast
China ex-security chief Zhou Yongkang gets life term
By BBC   2015-06-11
China's ex-security chief Zhou Yongkang has been jailed for life - the most senior politician to face corruption charges under Communist rule.
2 ex-leaders urge Abe to keep Japan's WWII apologies
By MARI YAMAGUCHI   2015-06-11
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