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Current Affairs Review
Protests against Japan defense bills
By shanghaidaily   2015-07-19
Why most of the world’s banks are headed for collapse
By Doug Casey   2015-07-17
...The fractional reserve system is why banking is more profitable than normal businesses....
Companies 'long way to go' to be socially responsible: U.N. Global Compact chief
By Reuters   2015-07-15
American Psychological Association played critical role in CIA torture program
By David Walsh   2015-07-13
Tomgram: Pratap Chatterjee, No Lone Rangers in Drone Warfare
By Pratap Chatterjee   2015-07-13
Boycott Israel drive gains strength, raising alarm
By TIA GOLDENBERG   2015-07-07
Greek Crisis Awaits Other NATO Partners
By Finian Cunningham   2015-07-05
The contradictions of" real socialism": the conductor and the conducted
By Michael A. Lebowitz   2015-07-05
Pope Francis, in Sweeping Encyclical, Calls for Swift Action on Climate Change
Excerpts from Pope Francis encyclical on the environment
By channelnewsasia.com   2015-07-04
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