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Current Affairs Review
'I've never felt more isolated': The man who sold Minecraft to Microsoft for $2.5 billion reveals the empty side of success
By Julie Bort   2015-08-31
Chinese people's fight against Japanese aggression: 70 yeas' old U.S. documentary
By Xinfajia   2015-08-29
Where is Neo When We Need Him
By Paul Craig Roberts   2015-08-29
American democracy is doomed
By Matthew Yglesia   2015-08-28
Washington’s Extraordinary ‘Welcome’ for China’s President Xi
By Finian Cunningham   2015-08-25
U.S.A., Land of Limitations?
By Nicholas Kristof   2015-08-24
Muslim scholars call for climate action
By AYSE WIETING and KARL RITTER   2015-08-19
Republicans Can't Face the Truth About Iraq
By Eric Margolis   2015-08-18
...Today, we have Iraqi déjà vu anew as the lie factories and fear mongers work overtime to promote war with Iran.
Tomgram: William deBuys, Entering the Mega-Drought Era in America
By William deBuys   2015-08-17
U.S. Came Within Seconds Of Launching Nuclear Strike On Russia
By Polina Tikhonova   2015-08-14
The U.S. came within seconds of launching a nuclear strike on Russia and unleashing World War 3 during the coldest period of the Cold War, according to secret documents revealed by a historian.
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