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Current Affairs Review
BOOK REVIEW: Notes on "Christianity Without God"
By DT Strain   2015-05-11
Don’t forget how the Soviet Union saved the world from Hitler
By Ishaan Tharoor   2015-05-09
BOOK REVIEW: A Christian Theology of Religions: The Rainbow of Faiths by John Hick
By Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat   2015-05-08
American Muslims Come Together To Condemn Garland Shootings
By Beca Grimm   2015-05-07
May Day: workers of the world unite and take over – their factories
By Jon Henley, etc.   2015-05-06
From Istanbul to Barcelona, the co-operative movement is flourishing as employees revive what the bosses buried
The real reasons cartoons of Mohammed offend so many Muslims
By Amanda Taub   2015-05-06
Anti-Muhammad cartoon contest: Free speech or deliberately provocative?
By Harry Bruinius   2015-05-06
At Texas mosque, anger at both shooters and Mohammad exhibit
By Jon Herskovitz   2015-05-06
China's Manufacturers Are Shifting Towards Zero-Labor Factories
By George Dvorsky   2015-05-05
BOOK REVIEW: Ayaan Hirsi Ali Is Obsessed With Muslims
By Rabia Chaudry   2015-05-05
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