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Current Affairs Review
Chomsky: How America's Great University System Is Being Destroyed
By Noam Chomsky   2015-04-13
Faculty are increasingly hired on the Walmart model as temps.
Sign the petition: Tell corporations to pay their fair share
By Xinfajia   2015-04-13
Inside Cambodia's abusive sweatshops
By Patrick Winn   2015-04-12
The world of threats to the US is an illusion
By Stephen Kinzer   2015-04-12
Arms manufacturers profit from the security psychosis even more directly than militarists.
Elizabeth Warren explains the real way corruption in Washington works (video)
By Matthew Yglesias   2015-04-11
Unsettling truths about the world's water supply (video)
By Kaye Foley   2015-04-11
Heaven's Bankers by Harris Irfan, book review: How high deals of Islamic banking were brought low
By Ziauddin Sardar   2015-04-11
Book Review: 'Heaven's Bankers' by Harris Irfan
By Gregor Stuart Hunter   2015-04-11
Book Review: 'Heaven's Bankers: Inside the Hidden World of Islamic Finance', By Harris Irfan
By Faisal Hanif   2015-04-11
Religion ‘of critical importance’ in business, says Islamic finance expert: An interview (Video)
By Harris Irfan   2015-04-11
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