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Current Affairs Review
The GOP's Big Squeeze
By Leo W. Gerard   2015-03-16
Japan's 'comfort women' battle spills into the US
By Michael Penn   2015-03-16
South American nations reject U.S. measures against Venezuela officials
By Reuters   2015-03-15
The Shocking Finding From the DOJ's Ferguson Report That Nobody Has Noticed
By Nathan Robinson   2015-03-15
The Moon's History Is Surprisingly Complex, Chinese Rover Finds
By Mike Wall   2015-03-15
Obama's U.N. End Run Around Congress on Iran
By Jeffrey Laurenti   2015-03-15
How the Supreme Court is about to explode America’s racial wealth gap
By S. McElwee and C. Ruetschlin   2015-03-14
Yet again, conservatives on the Supreme Court are poised to do significant damage to minority communities
U.S. Should Be Appalled by Japan's Historical Revisionism
By Dennis P. Halpin   2015-03-11
If Imperial Japan was the victim in WWII, than Harry Truman, not Hideki Tojo, must be the war criminal.
It's not just right-to-work: Bills targeting unions multiply
By J. MATTISE and N. RICCARDI   2015-03-11
What Happened to America's First Muslims?
By Peter Manseau   2015-03-11
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