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Current Affairs Review
Here are 7 racist jokes Ferguson police and court officials made over email
By German Lopez   2015-03-06
We are already seeing the first examples of how climate change will leave us all thirsty
By We are already seeing the firs   2015-03-06
Eclipsing Mao?
By Simon Denyer   2015-03-04
Chinese President Xi Jingping is obsessed with retaining full control of reforms -- in ways that Mao is not
To Drill or Not to Drill, That Is the Question
By Subhankar Banerjee   2015-03-04
The Obama Administration, Shell, and the Fate of the Arctic Ocean
U.S.-Israel ties fraying over Netanyahu's planned Iran speech
By Matt Spetalnick and Dan Willia   2015-03-01
UK's first 'anti-Islamisation' rally dwarfed by counter-demo
By AFP   2015-03-01
Anti-Israel divestment push gains traction at US colleges
By RACHEL ZOLL   2015-03-01
US “Pivot” Sends Asia Fleeing Toward China
By Ulson Gunnar   2015-02-28
One in three Germans say capitalism to blame for poverty, hunger
By Reuters   2015-02-25
The Real American Exceptionalism
By Alfred McCoy   2015-02-25
From Torture to Drone Assassination, How Washington Gave Itself a Global Get-Out-of-Jail-Free Card
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