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Current Affairs Review
Why domestic drones stir more debate than ones used in warfighting abroad
By Evan Selinger   2015-03-10
John Kaag, coauthor of 'Drone Warfare,' says a 'disturbing mix of provincialism and exceptionalism' is the reason why Americans are more concerned about domestic drone usage than military drones used in targeted killing abroad.
Merkel: Facing WW II atrocity key to German reconciliation
By MARI YAMAGUCHI   2015-03-10
The twisted morality of climate denial: How religion and American exceptionalism are undermining our future
By Edward L. Rubin   2015-03-10
Despite overwhelming scientific consensus, Americans remain split on climate change. Here's why
What 27 Weeks of Unemployment Does to the American Worker
By Gillian B. White   2015-03-08
China’s wind farms can now produce more energy than all of America’s nuclear plants
By Richard Macauley   2015-03-08
Banning the American flag? Why UC Irvine flap might be glimpse of future
By Mark Sappenfield   2015-03-08
The controversial decision by the UC Irvine student body government to ban the American flag – as well as all other flags – speaks to broader generational shifts in views of patriotism. The decision has since been overturned.
U.C. Irvine Student Government Bans National Flags From Campus Areas
By Reuters   2015-03-07
"Freedom of speech...can be interpreted as hate speech," ...national flags - citing the United States flag in particular - have been "flown in instances of colonialism and imperialism" and "serve as symbols of patriotism or weapons for nationalism."...
Lax Britannica
By Anne Applebaum   2015-03-07
Suddenly, Great Britain is disappearing from the world stage.
Animation: How Man Have Destroyed the Planet Earth
By Steve Cutts   2015-03-07
America is not a "Christian" nation
By Peter Manseau   2015-03-06
It is a fact conveniently forgotten by many that ministers from a variety of denominations were from the beginning among the strongest opponents to establishing a national religion of any kind.
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