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Ecology: Socialism v. Capitalism -- Chris Williams (Video)
By Joe Friendly
2015-06-09 04:04:19
Source and Video: youtube.com


Published on Feb 29, 2012

As capitalists push for nuclear power instead of sustainable alternatives, ecological devastation is intensifying. Socialism, a cooperative society based on human needs and ecological sustainability, is the alternative. A talk by Chris Williams comparing capitalist and socialist ecological concerns.

Chris Williams is author of Ecology and Socialism: Solutions to Capitalist Ecological Crisis (Haymarket Books, 2010) and professor in the Dept of Chemistry & Physical Science at Pace University who recently returned from Fukushima Prefecture and reports on the ongoing nuclear disaster there and the resistance Japanese activists are mounting to the nuclear industry. February 28, 2012 sponsored by the International Socialist Organization at the Brooklyn Commons. Video by Joe Friendly


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